Month: May 2014

The Problem with Writing

For the few of you who may check this blog out on a semi-regular basis (and I mean few) you may have noticed a lack of activity. But I assure you it’s not from a sense of giving up.

Trying to become a writer is tough. It’s tough on relationships, it’s tough on your jobs, your family life.

I have had a crazy busy month. I’ve come upon a potential writing opportunity (which I should find out more about and can reveal more about later), so I have dedicated a lot of writing time to it, I’ve picked up a freelance corporate editing contract to supplement you know… living, and I’ve started building a homemade computer.

Due to this at the time of writing (May 19, also my birthday) the only movies I’ve seen since watching Batman Begins were all the short thesis films from my program, Neighbors in theatres, and Godzilla in theatres. But I’m gonna try to squeeze in The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises to finish off my Batman marathon this week.

But in regards to just what is happening – when the opportunity presents itself, you gotta grab it. This writing opportunity could land literally nowhere or it could work out wonderfully. But I’ve had to dedicate a huge amount of time to it. I am constantly thinking of ideas for this project, half the conversations I have with my lovely patient girlfriend are in regards to how a character may act in this certain situation, etc. I have a notebook next to my bed in case I dream of something zany I could add.

The problem with writing is when you get that seed, you constantly are writing and have very little time for anything else.

But new blogs are coming soon!